Sunday 1 December 2019

Athletics day

"Wow! These shotput are so heavy!" I whispered to myself, amazed. The shotput was the very first task for our nine year old group to master. Sadly, I didn't get a place but I was happy for my friend, Cazna who came 1st place! Our next task was high jump. The bar got super high. I ended up last one standing, I just didn't quite make it over the bar. When bell rang to go to our next activity, I was put into 5th place. It gave me an amazing feeling because I had never had been put into a place before! Anyway, our next skill tester was the Vortex. My leg started to hurt after the high jump. Probably because I stretched it a little too far. When it was my turn to throw the vortex, it wasn't that far, but I guess it was considered a good throw. There were about 30 children being split up into what I think was five groups of four. After we'd all had two turns, we had to wait to go to the next possible activity. Now, long jump. Since we were in a certain order, I was near the back. That only meant that I had to wait a little bit. When the wait was over, and it was my turn, I ran almost as fast as I could, stepped on the white line, and jumped into the pit of sand. Everyone was able to have two turns. Like the shotput, I didn't get put in a place. All that matters is making sure that we look after and take care of our friends that help and care for us. Once again, the hand bell rang so as we were told we had to go to which seemed to be the 100 metre sprints! The teacher lined us up."3,2,1,GO!!" We speed off, I was coming first, until my friend, Elizabeth pasted me. That was alright but what really annoyed me was the fact that a couple of people passed me as well.!  

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